miercuri, 17 octombrie 2012

Quollection 36

miercuri, 17 octombrie 2012
We don't know how to be together, but we can't be apart.

By morning it just looks like two years of total freedom and independency. It wasnt all bad; I learned a different fighting style. 

I dont need all the fingers on one hand to count the number of people I trully care about. <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

Making peace with yourself is part of growing up. 

You know what sucks big hairy balls? Jealousy.  

Don't prematurely compartmentalize me.

Eu va iubesc si cand va certati si cand va impacati. Nu vroiam sa fiu dependenta de voi, dar ma bucur ca sunt <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

Facebook doesnt know shit. Twitter and Youtube suspect a thing or two. Tumblr was there, but it's a really good secret keeper. 

Paaaaatience, grasshopper. Things do get better. Or you get used to them.

Riding the train with the perfect soundtrack in your ears is an art.  

"I'mma put your head through a wall, any wall, you can even pick the wall but it's gonna be a wall. Okay?" ~ Luke Danes

Ideally, I want a job where I can sport Converse shoes and blue hair :) 

I think it's better to refuse a job than to be refused for a job. 

^-^ Iubesc oamenii care, cu un cuvant si un zambet, ti-au castigat ziua.

When was the last time you did something for the first time? 

Probleme existentiale cauzate de juxtapunere temporala, insuficienta financiara si absenta duplicatului genetic

"Please, make peace with your wits. It's not going to go away, Buddy."  

You're a happy combination between a piece of furniture and a pet. ILY. 

Wish it were dark, cold and silent, wish I were at the edge of a lake and wish I were having a smoke. Feels like tranquility or sumthin.  

We've spent more time together than we did apart. I don't know how to live without you...

 Sometimes I legitimately forget how old I am, so I subtract my birth year from the current year. I can never connect with the final number. 

Don't treat mishaps like sinking ships.  

I'm not afarid to hurt your feelings.

Never ever forget to follow your goals and dreams just to match up with someone else's acheivements.

Everything you say and everything you do should be based on the knowledge of the sheer fact that it's gonna be a memory imprinted in your storybook for the rest of your life. Make it a good story .

When you think I'll zig, I'll zag. Then when you think I'm gonna zag, I do zag, just to mess you up for the next time, when I might zig.

I'm Ace. You're Ice. We fit. 

marți, 6 martie 2012


marți, 6 martie 2012
It’s this weird “nice girl” complex.

I’m meant to be flexible and fun and easy going and adaptable and generous and giving. ALL THE TIME RIGHT?! Even if it means I am run down and exhausted and completely out of energy to keep giving and people are stepping all over me.

It’s bullshit. And it leaves me forever feeling guilty about working towards something I want, because I feel like I’m not meant to want anything. Because it’s not nice to want things, because it detracts time and energy from giving!

And even when I do awesome things I play down all my achievements and my ambition anyway, and I never take credit for it.

Even though I have put in a damn lot of hard work to get where I am!

Sigh. Stupid personality. Honestly, my brain works in the stupidest ways.

First step is admitting it right?


miercuri, 1 februarie 2012

Quollection 35

miercuri, 1 februarie 2012
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars ... (J. Kerouac)

Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself.

I swear, sometimes it's like you want me to hate you. But then I remember you're the only one around whom I can afford to be stupid.

Don't be cheap. And don't shoot my dream before it has a chance to fly.

Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.

You have nothing to lose for telling the truth, because you have nothing to win by telling a lie.

Watch them demons die, while I wipe their blood off my sword.

"Stand for something. Even if it means standing alone."

I don't wait for anything. I work for everything.

"You make my heart do cartwheels." :))) win

Whenever you think about giving up, think about why you've kept going for this long."

If you can’t win, lose like a champion.

Instead of being sad, be awesome instead. If you're having difficulty with that, take a shower. It works like magic ;)

I'm sorry for the ugly words I said out of hunger.

No one can hurt you without your aprooval.

It takes 3 days to break a bad habit and 21 days to create a new one. I'm not done yet.

Women must think like men, act like ladies, look like girls and work like horses.

Wake up, brush your teeth and put your swag on.

Study hard. Go on a run. Pay attention. Say "thanks". Be kind to people. Make yourself stronger than your excuses.

It's sickening how much you can actually like a person.

Jealousy is an ugly trait. If you can’t do what someone else can, the least you can do is be supportive.

"Mate, the sun's shining. We're bevvied, spliffed and sorted. Feels like the beginning of something. So I'm waiting. "

Know all the lyrics to what makes you beautiful.

Scopul nu scuza mijloacele. Reciproca e valabila.

Don't walk as if you rule the world, but walk as if you don't care who does

Make everyone feel better whenever you speak. <-- Make this your goal for today.

vineri, 27 ianuarie 2012

Video 10

vineri, 27 ianuarie 2012
"Live to Impress YOURSELF"
by Nuntfancy

luni, 16 ianuarie 2012

Video 09

luni, 16 ianuarie 2012
Day9: Kittens and Ninja Stars

Day9: Cambria

Day9 Dancing

joi, 5 ianuarie 2012

Video 08

joi, 5 ianuarie 2012
The 8 Principles of Fun

miercuri, 4 ianuarie 2012

Quollection 34

miercuri, 4 ianuarie 2012
Instead of being overwhelmed, I'll be awesome instead. I'm getting super agressive with loads of swagger! \o/

I highjacked the rainbow and crashed it in a pot of gold! \o/

Being nice to people, being good in school, being successful in business and being awesome in life is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice. It's a decision. There is no such thing as "try", there is only "do" or "don't". And you can't ever say "I can't". You can say "I'm not done yet. So this is my decision, to spite the fates and fight the odds, I chose to have a better year, live a better life. I chose all the good things and overlook the downfalls. Learn from them, not live in them. I chose to see the good in people.

When things go bad, straighten your back, crack your shoulders, roll up your sleeves and deal with it. Instead of getting overwhelmed, be awesome instead.

marți, 3 ianuarie 2012

Video 07

marți, 3 ianuarie 2012
Day[9]'s Musings - Being Relentlessly Positive

Done with stress, time to just smile a lot!
Everything can be framed positively.
Next time you want to say "Sorry" say "Thank you" instead.
If you have negative influences, you don't have to put up with that.
Think about what relationships contribute to you.
People don't do enough dumb things to make themselves happy.
"Day9, you are the sexiest beast known to man!"
Compliment people excessively.
When you're feeling down, find someone else who needs help and help them.
Be ready for all the miracles that are going to happen today.
Do nice things to other people.
Tell yourself how much you kick ass.

Video 06

Be awesome!

DAYDREAMERS from Javier Cid on Vimeo.