marți, 22 martie 2011

Quollection 22

marți, 22 martie 2011
You could stop at enough.
Just another name on the teamsheet.
Happy just to turn up.

Or you could become their worst nightmare.

The one who turns a game in an instant.
Sees the pass no-one else sees.
Turns desperate defence into decisive attack.

Be the one that they worry about days before kick-off.
Who blurs the line between hate and respect.
Who can never be stopped,
Only feared.

Quollection 21

"Dont fight to stop the behaviour; find new ways of overcoming the system."

"Don't fight addictions, you'll only end up sliding down the rabit hole, chasing those things you deny yourself. Adam's apple, if you wish. Rather, create new addictions, better ones, which will in turn overcome the old ones until they become too meaningless to remember... and disappear. Fight fire with fire."