miercuri, 29 aprilie 2009

Quollection 12

miercuri, 29 aprilie 2009
"Better a noob than a snob."
"Faith, faith, faith and whatever pain may come."
"Viata-i scurta. Dar e suficient de lunga ca sa n-o grabesti."
"The more you know who you are and what you want, the less things upset you."
Lost in Translation
"Mourn in the losses, because they're many. But celebrate the victories, because they're few."
Debbie, "Queer as Folk"

Quollection 11

"You either die here or live long enough to see yourself become the enemy".
The Dark Knight
"Only in Heaven can a man forgive. Will you - you - forgive me?"
Timeframe Error
"We're probably living a normal life."
"The purpose of life is to die before you die.... and discover there is no death."
"If the trailer's rocking
Dun bother knocking."
"You'll make a fashion statement
If you just dress up your mind."
Jason Mraz - "The Beauty in Ugly"
"Childhood is short and maturity is forever."
The Indinspensable Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson
"Orice inceput rau are un sfarsit. Orice inceput bun are si o continuare."
Un nene in 133
"Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around."
The Indinspensable Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson
"When you're serious about having fun, it's not much fun at all."
The Indinspensable Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson


I can efficiently isolate myself
in a world where
You and your words cannot penetrate.

Quollection 10

"If an idiot remains an idiot, I guess something could can happen if he's big enough of an idiot."
Jiraya , "Naruto"
"He's the type of guy who had the guts never to give up."
Jiraya, "Naruto"
"We're pulling ourselves up while bringing everyone else down."
"Too many people spend money they don't have to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like."
Will Smith
"Stop chasing shadows. ust enjoy the ride."
"Ne adresam nu omeniei, ci egoismului lor [al oamenilor] si niciodata nu le vorbim de nevoile noastre, ci de avantajele lor proprii."
Adam Smith
"Visele implinite pe jumatate nu sunt vise."
Marius Moga
"Never give up! If you give up, you've already lost!"
Uzumaki Naruto, "Naruto"
"Every smile is paid in tears."

Quollection 9

"Dincolo de nebunia mea, sunt convins ca ultimele minute ale Facerii Dumnezeu si le-a petrecut sculptand cu migala glezna Evei. A fost modul Lui de a pune punct."
Mihai Morar - "Cand Dumnezeu a pus punct"
"Ce e scris pe cartea de vizita, aia suntem: un nume, o functie, un numar de telefon. Cere-i oricui sa-ti vorbeasca despre el si va incepe cu ocupatia pe care o are. Chiar si cei mai creativi si mai originali sunt creativi si originali intr-o schema data. Data de cine? Sau de ce?"
Marius Moga - "Omul bancomat"