miercuri, 7 aprilie 2010

Quollection 20

miercuri, 7 aprilie 2010
"Stii ce mi-a spus mie tata intr-o zi, cand l-am intrebat cum se descurca cu serviciul (care e departe de domeniul care stiam eu ca ii place) - ca ajungi la un moment dat sa-ti placa ceea ce faci, nu neaparat sa faci ceea ce-ti place. "
"Never fear shadows. They simply mean there’s a light shining somewhere nearby.”
Ruth E. Renkel
"It's just one day today, but tomorrow, this day's gonna count."
"I step on standards for daily. I am my own ongoing art project. Never perfect."
"If you want to be happy, chances are you already are."
"I want to be given the chance to choose my own mistakes."
"If you keep the small rules, you can break the big ones."
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

duminică, 7 martie 2010

Quollection 19

duminică, 7 martie 2010
"Starea de betie si starea mea curenta au un singur lucru in comun - niciuna nu gandeste limpede :D"
"One day at a time; it's a small success. But every small success builds up to a big victory."
"Some days I believe in six impossible things before breakfast ♥ ... and if you feel that you can't, than I'll believe in them for you, too, 'till they become real ^.^m"
"So many things can change and you see the change coming and you know you can't avoid it and you know you can't change the change so you just sit there and watch it come ... and change. So I give up. I'll make mistakes. But at least I'll have a good story to tell. ^.^X"
"It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all. In which case, you fail by default."
JK Rowling
Never regret anything, because at that time it was what you really wanted.