marți, 29 noiembrie 2011


marți, 29 noiembrie 2011
‎"Madness, to an extent, is genius. Be mad, be insane, but know that insanity and madness have absolutely nothing to do with being irrational or illogical. Don’t be stupid. There is no excuse for being stupid. You can be ignorant, but the pursuit of knowledge can fix that. Don’t be stupid. Nothing can fix being stupid. Break boundaries others have not, or are too lazy to. Speaking of which: don’t be lazy. You will understand why I say this, but I hope you don’t find out the hard way. If anything stands in the way of being the best you can possibly be, it is being lazy.

I guess it is better to be ridiculous than to be boring; be ridiculous so that when you speak, people marvel at how articulate you are with your absurd notions. Seek to have them laugh with you, not at you. Do not be an entertainment package; that is not your job. Seek to joke, but be certain that your joke does no harm. Be sure never to harm yourself, or another. Do not pass snide remarks under the impression that girls your age will find it funny (girls your age will find anything funny). Do not be afraid to be kind, and do not be afraid to accept differences. A joke is not a joke if it ends up hurting somebody, it’s not funny if it’s caused harm in any way. Breaking a heart is like murder. Sometimes, people come back more alive. More times than I count though, a person breaks when their heart does. They do not ever properly mend.

Do not idealize people, concepts, ideologies. Don’t idolize. Period. Be light. Let the winds of evidence blow you about as though you are a leaf, with no direction of your own. Seek truth. "


Quollection 31

“I need your help. I can never tell you what it is, you can never ask me about it later and we’re gonna hurt some people.”
“……Whose car we gonna take?”
When the other person isn't there we sometimes tend to make up their side of the conversation. Which truly isn't fair to either one of us.


People have interesting stories to tell. Just ask them. They need to share them and you'll want to listen. ♥

Video 05

Suntem multi, suntem agitati, suntem veseli si mereu ocupati. Suntem boemi, suntem artisti, suntem rockeri si suntem businessmen. Suntem contradictorii si suntem relaxati, iubim parcurile si viata de noapte, moda si cinemateca, suntem avangardisti si petrecem de sarbatori. Avem ceva istoric si rafinat in sange, dar suntem atrasi de nou, vrem schimbare. Suntem plini de viata. Suntem urbani.

Awesome songs to perfectly describe this soothing city, a Neverland where bad things never happen and hearts beat love. Iubesc orasul asta, il iubesc pentru oamenii lui, pentru arhitectura, pentru evenimente, pentru stilul de a gandi si dorinta de a crede. Il iubesc pentru ritmul lui de viata. Un oras croit ca pentru mine. Il inspir si nu ma satur. Mi-e dor ...

Construit din istorie, pictat din memorie, vibrant in acustica, putin medieval si putin publicitar, un oras contradictoriu ce-ti intra pe sub piele si-ti ramane in amintire. Si te cheama, te atrage, il simi, nu stii ce e sau de ce dar stii ca trebuie sa ajungi acolo. Macar 'inca o data'. Frumosi oameni, frumoase caractere, povesti scrise pe strazi inguste cu piatra cubica si acoperisuri inalte imbracate in tigla. ♥


We're roommates. We're neighbors in the same block. They live down the street. We live three hoods down. In a different district. Across town. We're a city away. You're a hundred miles away. A letter away. An email away. You're at the far end of the country. I'm at the far end of the country. Another country. The end of the continent. They live on different continents. Across the ocean. A phone call away. A thought away. What is distance?

vineri, 18 noiembrie 2011


vineri, 18 noiembrie 2011
I am so scared things are about to change. I do not like this or where it seems to be heading. It may stop dead in it’s tracts and become a short chapter that never really existed but no matter what happened from here, I pray that one thing will never change, you and me. Do whatever you want, talk to whoever you want, but don’t forget about the people who love you the most.

marți, 15 noiembrie 2011


marți, 15 noiembrie 2011
You’re never going to know any of this (do you think that’s poignant or pathetic?) because I can’t stand the thought of you rejecting me. I would prefer to watch you hand in hand with a thousand girls that aren’t me than to hear that we will never be together. I’m going to keep pretending that I don’t like you like that because as long as I am, I can pretend that maybe one day you will like me like that too. Because in this big boring city, sometimes I feel scared and alone, and while I’m pretending I don’t like you like that, I know for certain that you will always be there for me when I need you, and I’m scared that if you knew how I really felt, you wouldn’t be there for me at all.



When I first met you, you let me know how much you hated it when you asked people “what’s wrong?” when there was clearly something wrong, only to be met with an obstreperous “nothing.” I made a mental note of this, and weeks later when we met, a silent annoyance was festering inside me because of something my Mom said earlier that day, an argument I had with my brother, or I was just feeling moody for the sake of it, and you when asked me what’s wrong, I said exactly what.

At first you enjoyed this disclosure, enjoyed being able to help me with my problems, because these were problems you could grasp. But sometimes, you took on my bad mood, especially when my mood was born of little more than hormones, hunger, or exhaustion. You became fed up with the way my issues became your issues, and began to take any sadness on my part, no matter how rare in occurrence, as a personal slight. You coerced me into fights I didn’t want to have in the moments I was trying to explain my feelings. You told me I was boring and selfish.

The next time after that, you asked me what’s wrong, I answered “nothing,” even when the sky was falling down upon me. I felt like I was no longer entitled to my emotions, from the rawest and the deepest to the most fleeting and frivolous.


Madness, to an extent, is genius. Be mad, be insane, but know that insanity and madness have absolutely nothing to do with being irrational or illogical. Don’t be stupid. There is no excuse for being stupid. You can be ignorant, but the pursuit of knowledge can fix that. Don’t be stupid. Nothing can fix being stupid. Break boundaries others have not, or are too lazy to. Speaking of which: don’t be lazy. You will understand why I say this, but I hope you don’t find out the hard way. If anything stands in the way of being the best you can possibly be, it is being lazy.

I guess it is better to be ridiculous than to be boring; be ridiculous so that when you speak, people marvel at how articulate you are with your absurd notions. Seek to have them laugh with you, not at you. Do not be an entertainment package; that is not your job. Seek to joke, but be certain that your joke does no harm. Be sure never to harm yourself, or another. Do not pass snide remarks under the impression that girls your age will find it funny (girls your age will find anything funny). Do not be afraid to be kind, and do not be afraid to accept differences. A joke is not a joke if it ends up hurting somebody, it’s not funny if it’s caused harm in any way. Breaking a heart is like murder. Sometimes, people come back more alive. More times than I count though, a person breaks when their heart does. They do not ever properly mend.

Do not idealize people, concepts, ideologies. Don’t idolize. Period. Be light. Let the winds of evidence blow you about as though you are a leaf, with no direction of your own. Seek truth.