A second chance doesn't necessarily mean a chance to start it all over again, but a chance to end things right.
Have the balls to ask the questions. Have the brains to ask the right questions.
The way you start the day determined the way you'll end the night.
Wake up. Shower. Feed your dog. Water those plants. Have breakfast. Do your chores, run some errands. Procrastinate a little. Listen to music. Enjoy deserts. Make some phone calls, plan something, go out for a movie. Meet your friends. Laugh. Live. Love. ♥
I could fashion a perfect comeback to point out every flaw in your arguments, complete with smileys, correct grammar and smart ass remarks, but ... whatever.
Fiinţă duală compusă din alb şi negru ... Culori şi haos.
Carpe the Fuck out this Diem! \m/
If you can't change the situation, change your attitude.
I walked in my city today, but there was no rain nor snow around me. Just a lot of green and life, busy people mingled with relaxed people in a summer atmosphere :) I walked down my streets and then down yours and I visited our places which have now been healed. All is well =)
"So miss him. Send him some love and light every time you think about him, then drop it." [Eat. Pray. Love]
"Fact: People will hate you, rate you, shake you and break you. How strong you stand is what makes You."
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things go wrong that you must not quit.
"Spune-mi, dacă îți dau o bucată de oglindă vopsită în acrylics verde, o să vezi momentul în care scuipam culoare pe ea?" - cafeaua-de-dimineata11.blogspot
[From my FaceBook statuses]
Have the balls to ask the questions. Have the brains to ask the right questions.
The way you start the day determined the way you'll end the night.
Wake up. Shower. Feed your dog. Water those plants. Have breakfast. Do your chores, run some errands. Procrastinate a little. Listen to music. Enjoy deserts. Make some phone calls, plan something, go out for a movie. Meet your friends. Laugh. Live. Love. ♥
I could fashion a perfect comeback to point out every flaw in your arguments, complete with smileys, correct grammar and smart ass remarks, but ... whatever.
Fiinţă duală compusă din alb şi negru ... Culori şi haos.
Carpe the Fuck out this Diem! \m/
If you can't change the situation, change your attitude.
I walked in my city today, but there was no rain nor snow around me. Just a lot of green and life, busy people mingled with relaxed people in a summer atmosphere :) I walked down my streets and then down yours and I visited our places which have now been healed. All is well =)
"So miss him. Send him some love and light every time you think about him, then drop it." [Eat. Pray. Love]
"Fact: People will hate you, rate you, shake you and break you. How strong you stand is what makes You."
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things go wrong that you must not quit.
"Spune-mi, dacă îți dau o bucată de oglindă vopsită în acrylics verde, o să vezi momentul în care scuipam culoare pe ea?" - cafeaua-de-dimineata11.blogspot
[From my FaceBook statuses]