luni, 19 decembrie 2011

Quollection 33

luni, 19 decembrie 2011
- Accept and avoid complaining
- Don't concern yourself with what other people think
- Practice kindness
- Work on lightening up the people around you

Many of the routes I plan on embarking on typically won’t be lined with 5-star luxury hotels, physically and metaphorically speaking.


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world, there is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Williamson, Marianne (1996) "A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles"

marți, 6 decembrie 2011


marți, 6 decembrie 2011
you've got the power to break humans in half. with your sense and your nonsense. with your humor and your seriousness. with your outside and your inside. and i know this, because you haven't been hiding it well enough. i know this because i allowed myself to become selectively permeable, like the cells that make up you and me and the space in between. with a lightening crack i split in two. but still, you are blind. when will you realize that even your powers can get out of hand, too?



Just a famous boy and a girl, they bonded over memories of what it was like to really have a soul. Opposite sides of the tracks, same suburbs. Strangers turned friends then friends turned lovers. And he scared her a little bit, never really did understand her fear of the intimate. But she scared him more, he’d been searching for so long and was afraid that he had finally found what he was looking for. She wasn’t sure at first, but she’s learned that when you play with fire, you might get burned. But somewhere between the cigarettes and late night TV, she found a reason to believe in what might be.
It’s like blue-eyed thinker seeks shelter from the storm, clever blonde likes to stay awake to the break of dawn. Just a mother’s son and a father’s daughter, trying to build a paradise within a life of disorder. And it got deep, he was living for a couple of minutes when he could still taste her lips on his.
Ain’t it funny how time flies? A few months can feel like a lifetime. So caught up in life, you don’t even realize. Complacency’s taken it’s toll, now everyday they stand watching the flame grow cold. They never fight. Too afraid of what might get said. Instead, the silence. Screaming for help under her breath. Sharing a cold bed and some silent nights.
And then the day arrives, “I don’t really know how to say this but,” Smiles on surface, but on the inside his world turned black. Reasons running through his mind. And if he could, then he’d take it all back. He can’t sleep. He stays awake with dreams of better days when he wrote her love letters. Business as usual. Her coping mechanism? That other still find her beautiful.
And as the seconds turn minutes, turn days, turn weeks, lovers revert to strangers. They don’t even speak. The king of the blues, the queen of the streets. Now their kingdom lies in ruins, break-up songs on repeat.
Now he misses her touch, and the sound of her voice. Everyday he wakes up, wishing she made a different choice. Co-authors in the story of each chapter written, but you’ve got to wonder… is it really finished?

sâmbătă, 3 decembrie 2011

Quollection 32

sâmbătă, 3 decembrie 2011
Y’know, I once met a boy with synesthesia. He could hear colours and see sounds and I used to think what a goddamn beautiful life he must lead. He told me my words sounded like wish white and sky blue, and sometimes earl grey, and I always wondered whether he meant the tea or the shade or perhaps some half-hemmed amalgam in between.


There is nothing more erotic than a good conversation.

Nerd like us are allowed to be unironically enthuziastic about stuff. Nerd are allowed to love stuff, like, jump-up-and-down-in-your-chair-can't-control-yourself love it. When people call people 'nerds', mostly what they're saying is "You love stuff". Which is not a good insult at all. Like, "You are too enthuziastic about the miracle of human consciousness."
John Green


The Paradox of Our Age

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less.
We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time. More degrees, but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.
We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, and watch TV too much.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We’ve added years to life, not life to years.
We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, yet still have trouble crossing the street to meet our new neighbor. We’ve conquered outer space, but not inner space. We’ve done larger things, but not better things. We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul; we’ve split the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We’ve learned to rush, but not to wait; have higher incomes, but lower morals; more food, and less appeasement. We build more computers to hold more information to produce more copies than ever, but have less and less communication. We’ve become long on quantity, but short on quality.
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; tall men, and short characters; steep profits, and shallow relationships. These are the times of world peace, but domestic warfare; more leisure, but less fun; more food, and less nutrition. These are the days of two incomes, but more divorce; of fancier houses, but broken homes. Of quick trips, disposable diapers, throw away morality, one-night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer to quiet to kill. It is a time when there is much in the show window and nothing in the stockroom; a time when technology has brought this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to make a difference, or just to hit delete…

- Dr. Bob Moorehead


"I think you could fall in love with anyone if you saw the parts of them no one else gets to see. Like if you followed them around invisibly for a day and saw them crying in their bed at night or singing in the shower or humming quietly to themselves as they make a sandwich or even just walking along the street. And even if they were really weird and had no friends at school, I think, after seeing them at their most vulnerable, you wouldn’t be able to help falling in love with them."

marți, 29 noiembrie 2011


marți, 29 noiembrie 2011
‎"Madness, to an extent, is genius. Be mad, be insane, but know that insanity and madness have absolutely nothing to do with being irrational or illogical. Don’t be stupid. There is no excuse for being stupid. You can be ignorant, but the pursuit of knowledge can fix that. Don’t be stupid. Nothing can fix being stupid. Break boundaries others have not, or are too lazy to. Speaking of which: don’t be lazy. You will understand why I say this, but I hope you don’t find out the hard way. If anything stands in the way of being the best you can possibly be, it is being lazy.

I guess it is better to be ridiculous than to be boring; be ridiculous so that when you speak, people marvel at how articulate you are with your absurd notions. Seek to have them laugh with you, not at you. Do not be an entertainment package; that is not your job. Seek to joke, but be certain that your joke does no harm. Be sure never to harm yourself, or another. Do not pass snide remarks under the impression that girls your age will find it funny (girls your age will find anything funny). Do not be afraid to be kind, and do not be afraid to accept differences. A joke is not a joke if it ends up hurting somebody, it’s not funny if it’s caused harm in any way. Breaking a heart is like murder. Sometimes, people come back more alive. More times than I count though, a person breaks when their heart does. They do not ever properly mend.

Do not idealize people, concepts, ideologies. Don’t idolize. Period. Be light. Let the winds of evidence blow you about as though you are a leaf, with no direction of your own. Seek truth. "


Quollection 31

“I need your help. I can never tell you what it is, you can never ask me about it later and we’re gonna hurt some people.”
“……Whose car we gonna take?”
When the other person isn't there we sometimes tend to make up their side of the conversation. Which truly isn't fair to either one of us.


People have interesting stories to tell. Just ask them. They need to share them and you'll want to listen. ♥

Video 05

Suntem multi, suntem agitati, suntem veseli si mereu ocupati. Suntem boemi, suntem artisti, suntem rockeri si suntem businessmen. Suntem contradictorii si suntem relaxati, iubim parcurile si viata de noapte, moda si cinemateca, suntem avangardisti si petrecem de sarbatori. Avem ceva istoric si rafinat in sange, dar suntem atrasi de nou, vrem schimbare. Suntem plini de viata. Suntem urbani.

Awesome songs to perfectly describe this soothing city, a Neverland where bad things never happen and hearts beat love. Iubesc orasul asta, il iubesc pentru oamenii lui, pentru arhitectura, pentru evenimente, pentru stilul de a gandi si dorinta de a crede. Il iubesc pentru ritmul lui de viata. Un oras croit ca pentru mine. Il inspir si nu ma satur. Mi-e dor ...

Construit din istorie, pictat din memorie, vibrant in acustica, putin medieval si putin publicitar, un oras contradictoriu ce-ti intra pe sub piele si-ti ramane in amintire. Si te cheama, te atrage, il simi, nu stii ce e sau de ce dar stii ca trebuie sa ajungi acolo. Macar 'inca o data'. Frumosi oameni, frumoase caractere, povesti scrise pe strazi inguste cu piatra cubica si acoperisuri inalte imbracate in tigla. ♥


We're roommates. We're neighbors in the same block. They live down the street. We live three hoods down. In a different district. Across town. We're a city away. You're a hundred miles away. A letter away. An email away. You're at the far end of the country. I'm at the far end of the country. Another country. The end of the continent. They live on different continents. Across the ocean. A phone call away. A thought away. What is distance?

vineri, 18 noiembrie 2011


vineri, 18 noiembrie 2011
I am so scared things are about to change. I do not like this or where it seems to be heading. It may stop dead in it’s tracts and become a short chapter that never really existed but no matter what happened from here, I pray that one thing will never change, you and me. Do whatever you want, talk to whoever you want, but don’t forget about the people who love you the most.

marți, 15 noiembrie 2011


marți, 15 noiembrie 2011
You’re never going to know any of this (do you think that’s poignant or pathetic?) because I can’t stand the thought of you rejecting me. I would prefer to watch you hand in hand with a thousand girls that aren’t me than to hear that we will never be together. I’m going to keep pretending that I don’t like you like that because as long as I am, I can pretend that maybe one day you will like me like that too. Because in this big boring city, sometimes I feel scared and alone, and while I’m pretending I don’t like you like that, I know for certain that you will always be there for me when I need you, and I’m scared that if you knew how I really felt, you wouldn’t be there for me at all.



When I first met you, you let me know how much you hated it when you asked people “what’s wrong?” when there was clearly something wrong, only to be met with an obstreperous “nothing.” I made a mental note of this, and weeks later when we met, a silent annoyance was festering inside me because of something my Mom said earlier that day, an argument I had with my brother, or I was just feeling moody for the sake of it, and you when asked me what’s wrong, I said exactly what.

At first you enjoyed this disclosure, enjoyed being able to help me with my problems, because these were problems you could grasp. But sometimes, you took on my bad mood, especially when my mood was born of little more than hormones, hunger, or exhaustion. You became fed up with the way my issues became your issues, and began to take any sadness on my part, no matter how rare in occurrence, as a personal slight. You coerced me into fights I didn’t want to have in the moments I was trying to explain my feelings. You told me I was boring and selfish.

The next time after that, you asked me what’s wrong, I answered “nothing,” even when the sky was falling down upon me. I felt like I was no longer entitled to my emotions, from the rawest and the deepest to the most fleeting and frivolous.


Madness, to an extent, is genius. Be mad, be insane, but know that insanity and madness have absolutely nothing to do with being irrational or illogical. Don’t be stupid. There is no excuse for being stupid. You can be ignorant, but the pursuit of knowledge can fix that. Don’t be stupid. Nothing can fix being stupid. Break boundaries others have not, or are too lazy to. Speaking of which: don’t be lazy. You will understand why I say this, but I hope you don’t find out the hard way. If anything stands in the way of being the best you can possibly be, it is being lazy.

I guess it is better to be ridiculous than to be boring; be ridiculous so that when you speak, people marvel at how articulate you are with your absurd notions. Seek to have them laugh with you, not at you. Do not be an entertainment package; that is not your job. Seek to joke, but be certain that your joke does no harm. Be sure never to harm yourself, or another. Do not pass snide remarks under the impression that girls your age will find it funny (girls your age will find anything funny). Do not be afraid to be kind, and do not be afraid to accept differences. A joke is not a joke if it ends up hurting somebody, it’s not funny if it’s caused harm in any way. Breaking a heart is like murder. Sometimes, people come back more alive. More times than I count though, a person breaks when their heart does. They do not ever properly mend.

Do not idealize people, concepts, ideologies. Don’t idolize. Period. Be light. Let the winds of evidence blow you about as though you are a leaf, with no direction of your own. Seek truth.

sâmbătă, 15 octombrie 2011

Quollection 30

sâmbătă, 15 octombrie 2011
Does me wanting to fuck you make this awkward?
I feel like destroying something beautiful.
I don't blame you for being you. But you can't blame me, for hating it.
I'd rather argue with you than kiss someone else.
I don't wake up every day to impress you.
I really fucking like you.
We all have that friend who we greet with an insult.
SMILE, it confuses some people.
Don't make decisions while you're angry. Don't make promises while you're happy.
Apologizing doesn't always mean you were wrong and the other person is right. It just means you value your relationship more than your ego.
Stay weird.
We are who we chose to be.
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.
Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
Fake it till you make it.
Sometimes you have to forget what you want to remember what you deserve.

joi, 29 septembrie 2011

Video 04

joi, 29 septembrie 2011
Living in Darfur - by Mattafix

joi, 22 septembrie 2011


joi, 22 septembrie 2011
Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99 … Wear Sunscreen.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience … I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked … You’re not as fat as you imagine.

Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing everyday that scares you.


Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re
behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself. Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.


Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life…the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds know still don’t.

Get plenty of calcium.

Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone.

Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll have children, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…what ever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either - your choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s. Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own..

Dance … even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them.

Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography in lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.


Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you’ll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out.

Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time it’s 40, it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and it for more than it’s worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen...

Quollection 29

Live every day by actively trying to improove someone else's life.

Train your mind. Put things into perspective. Sort out the priorities. Recalibrate. Nothing is that big of a deal. Those seemingly large problems are just our life situations, but not life itself.

We are reckless with our hearts, we make a mess and recreate, we inhale what was left, then express interest for all the things we left unsaid. Recalibrate your thoughts.


Don’t worry about what other people think of you. It’s mostly in your head. You will be criticized and mocked (often by the ones closest to you) when you go out on a limb, but that is where all the fruit is.

Follow your intuition. Men, this is particularly relevant to you since we tend to look at things too objectively.

Be okay with failure and rejection.

Be okay with losing friends who don’t support your new direction. You will attract the right people into your life if you stay focused and on track.

Recognize the small successes for what they are – a seed planted for something bigger.

Stop judging others or yourself. Give other people the benefit of the doubt. In current terms, don’t be a hater.

Do one thing every day that scares you. Mary Schmich wrote this in her article. Lululemon reusable shopping bags have this written clearly on them. I wrote about my experiences trying this concept out too.

Keep your mind active and always be learning something. Be a lifelong student. Be nice to beginners (newbies, noobs), because if you make the lifelong learning habit, you will always be a “noob” at something. More importantly, be humble.

Don’t concern yourself with being right (and making others wrong). More often than not, it’s better just to be happy.

See your problems as either challenges or preferably opportunities. I will admit that this is harder than it sounds yet it is so important. Looking back on my life, I wouldn’t trade any of my so-called problems for the world, as they’ve taught me so much and brought me to where I am. From them, I’ve learned acceptance, understanding, compassion, courage, and so much more. Change your perspective and soon enough, you’ll be having good problems (e.g. Who should I ask out tonight – Betty or Veronica?)

Let go. Accept the things you can’t change. What you don’t accept will eat you up on the inside, and will synchronistically age you on the outside. I’ll repeat it again - Let go.

Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. On the other side of fear lies freedom.

Celebrate your successes or achievements, but don’t let them inflate your ego. Your accomplishments do not make you a better person than anyone else.

Be flexible.

Stay fit. Your body is the most important possession you will ever have in this world, so take care of it with that in mind. If you owned a Maserati, you wouldn’t put low octane fuel into it, so treat your body likewise.

Give value to other people. Don’t think so much about what you can get. It will come in due time, when you least expect it.

Lift with your knees.

Do what you love. Working hard or working smart doesn’t mean much if you don’t love what you do. Again, focus on giving value. It’s a reward in itself. Steve Jobs said it best: If you haven’t found (what you love) yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.

Simplify. Don’t accumulate too many things. They only tie you down and clutter your mind.

Look for similarities in other people, rather than differences.

Stop watching TV.

Create an action habit. The Law of Attraction doesn’t work without some action.

Practice patience.

Take responsibility for your own actions. Stop blaming others for your circumstances.

Write down your goals.

Review your goals.

Enjoy the journey, not the destination.

And of course … above all else, wear sunscreen

miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011

Video 03

miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011
Dance like nobody's watching

Video 02

The Sunscreen Song - 10 Year Tribute (Everybody's Free)

Video 01

Introducing a new category, inspiration through videos.

Children Full of Life

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

sâmbătă, 20 august 2011

Quollection 28

sâmbătă, 20 august 2011
Never change who you are just because someone has a problem with it.

Unless you ask, the answer will always be "no".

For 20 minutes I can endure anything. There's plenty of time to puke or faint at the finish line.

Both of us make people really uncomfortable. There's no way around it. So either we can feel all self-conscious and pretend everything is normal ... or we can just be our strange selves.

"Yet"... what a sad word.

Having somebody help you doesn't mean that you failed. it means you're not in this alone.

You secretly have a huge heart filled with kindness and humility. And I'm sure there's blood.

Old enough to know better, young enugh to do it anyway.

joi, 23 iunie 2011

Quollection 27

joi, 23 iunie 2011
There's always a little truth behind every "Just kidding", a little knowledge behind every "I don't know", a little emotion behind every "I don't care" and a little pain behind every "I'm ok"..
Hot-headed woman. Fear-stricken butterly. Fiesty-tempered tigress. Fragile-looking child. Forever broken heart.
Miracles will happen as we speak, but we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy. ♥
[Alanis Morisette - Crazy]
A good time are the people close to me.
[Oceans, by The Format]
"'Family' is not always blood. It's when they love you even when you're being a dick."
[Ben, from Supernatural]
"Just because you can do what you want doesn't mean you can do whatever you want." ♥
[Dean Winchester, from Supernatural]
We are uncommon people.
What good is it to read me like a book if you don't understand the language I'm written in?
Wake up, brush your teeth, make your coffee and we'll take it from there. You don't have to save the world today. :)
See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do.
[A Perfect Circle - Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums]

vineri, 10 iunie 2011

Quollection 26

vineri, 10 iunie 2011
The pursuit of happiness.

I like weirdos. I hope weirdos like me.

We had 6 episodes together and then our motorcycle crashed.

I hate "Dont worry"

Quollection 25

I never really won anything. I was merely avoiding the embarrassment of losing.

How the hell was I not in control of the only thing I thought was possible to control in my life?

Effortlessness is an attractive thing. And it takes a lot of effort to achieve it.

It was a disorder of the highly accomplished, cultured, beautiful. It belonged to models, singers, and Princess Diana.


Just because I'm covered in black and blue doesn't mean I am defeated. I'll lose some battles if it wins me this war. Don't look at me like I'm fragile and easily broken; I'm tougher than most people. You underestimate me and I need neither pity or worry. Dust off my shoulders, I can pick myself up again and again, as many times as it takes for you to get it: I fight my own demons. I'm a tough nut to crack. Take me seriously... Or better yet, take me as I am.

Quollection 24

You proved to me we can do anything, so I'm trying everything.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
The outside compliments the inside.
Be selective. And you'll be fine.
Tell you what: you think of me and I think of you, but we won't tell each other.
You had me with a coffee.

marți, 31 mai 2011

Quollection 23

marți, 31 mai 2011
A second chance doesn't necessarily mean a chance to start it all over again, but a chance to end things right.

Have the balls to ask the questions. Have the brains to ask the right questions.

The way you start the day determined the way you'll end the night.

Wake up. Shower. Feed your dog. Water those plants. Have breakfast. Do your chores, run some errands. Procrastinate a little. Listen to music. Enjoy deserts. Make some phone calls, plan something, go out for a movie. Meet your friends. Laugh. Live. Love. ♥

I could fashion a perfect comeback to point out every flaw in your arguments, complete with smileys, correct grammar and smart ass remarks, but ... whatever.

Fiinţă duală compusă din alb şi negru ... Culori şi haos.

Carpe the Fuck out this Diem! \m/

If you can't change the situation, change your attitude.

I walked in my city today, but there was no rain nor snow around me. Just a lot of green and life, busy people mingled with relaxed people in a summer atmosphere :) I walked down my streets and then down yours and I visited our places which have now been healed. All is well =)

"So miss him. Send him some love and light every time you think about him, then drop it." [Eat. Pray. Love]

"Fact: People will hate you, rate you, shake you and break you. How strong you stand is what makes You."

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,
It's when things go wrong that you must not quit.

"Spune-mi, dacă îți dau o bucată de oglindă vopsită în acrylics verde, o să vezi momentul în care scuipam culoare pe ea?" - cafeaua-de-dimineata11.blogspot

[From my FaceBook statuses]

marți, 22 martie 2011

Quollection 22

marți, 22 martie 2011
You could stop at enough.
Just another name on the teamsheet.
Happy just to turn up.

Or you could become their worst nightmare.

The one who turns a game in an instant.
Sees the pass no-one else sees.
Turns desperate defence into decisive attack.

Be the one that they worry about days before kick-off.
Who blurs the line between hate and respect.
Who can never be stopped,
Only feared.

Quollection 21

"Dont fight to stop the behaviour; find new ways of overcoming the system."

"Don't fight addictions, you'll only end up sliding down the rabit hole, chasing those things you deny yourself. Adam's apple, if you wish. Rather, create new addictions, better ones, which will in turn overcome the old ones until they become too meaningless to remember... and disappear. Fight fire with fire."