vineri, 19 decembrie 2008

Quollection 2

vineri, 19 decembrie 2008
"Poti dori ceva asa de chinuitor si de tare incat implinindu-ti-se nu te mai bucuri. Te-a costat prea mult suflet!"
Lucian Blaga
"There is nothing more confusing than a man's true self, because no one will believe it..."
( "Nimic nu e mai derutant decat fata adevarata a unui om, pentru ca nimeni n-o va crede..." )
Dostoievskii - The Deamons
"There's a painfull difference between being told the truth
... and knowing it."
"What you feel right now could only be satisfied by falling yourself into her."
from the movie Equilibrium
"He who deals with evil becomes evil."