miercuri, 24 decembrie 2008

Quollection 8

miercuri, 24 decembrie 2008
"Real eyes realize real lies”.
“Scottish Alzheimer’s and all, ya forget everything except your grudges.”
Nicole MacLeod
“Live doesn’t just exist. By definition, it lives. And that, inevitably, means growth.”


Just me and my ride...
Just me and my ride… A good song by Metallica or Aerosmith, something oldschool anyway, and the road…Open road, vast lands of crops and a few trees here and there. A mountain at the far end of the road, with a great view over the valley and a motel with a snackbar.
Then a huge hamburger with extra sauce and a milkshake with french fries. Lots of Sprite. Maybe I’ll go wild and buy a coke. Screw the weight, screw the skin complexion, throw some Finetti and some Twix while you’re at it!
All alone.
Just me and my ride.
And a few cash in my pocket.
Then it starts to rain and I stop at a gas station in some little town where everybody knows everybody. And I drink a super-sized coffee, even though I hate coffee. But I’ll like it then. And I’ll enjoy it so much. With a muffin and a pancake. Super thick pancake. With strawberries.
It still rains, so I stop at this small cafe&tea club and I sit at the cozy little table by the windows with red velvet curtains that are perfectly parted to the sides. And I watch the raindrops hit the windows… People with umbrellas walking down the cobblestoned street, where my ride waits patienly for me. It’s a Chevvie. An Impala. Black, shiny, oldschool, purrs like a tiger, screeches like a junk. Leather seats.
And Enya is playing in the background…The waiter speaks perfect british….
I need to get out of this city.


Cu stoicism, inainte!
Am invatat ca principiile si ratiunea sunt mai importante decat sentimentele. Am invatat sa fiu mai retinuta, sa nu ma afisez. Am invatat sa plang in mine, sa nu ma exteriorizez. Am invatat sa fiu stoica si sa indur. Poate unii ma cred rece, nepasatoare - asta pentru ca nu arat nimic.
Sunt o masca ce ascunde furtuni.
Imi exprim doar bucuria si zambesc. Pentru ca, sa fim sinceri, toti sar sa crediteze zambetul tau pe seama lor, insa nimeni nu-si asuma resposabilitatea pentru lacrimile tale …


Declaratie de ura
Ma accepti pentru ca nu ma suporti.
Imi vorbesti pentru ca nu ai ce sa-mi spui.
Ma respecti pentru ca nu ma suferi.
De ce nu poti sa fii sincera cu tine? Sa imi intorci spatele, sa nu ma saluti, sa ma tratezi cu indiferenta… Ne-ar fi mai usor amandurora. Am sti macar cum sa ne comportam. Pentru ce atata ipocrizie? Atata osteneala… Chiar merit efortul? Dar tu nu ma suferi. Atunci? De ce te minti? De ce ma minti?
De ce nu poti sa ma urasti sincer?


Un alt fel de ipocrizie
Azi mi-am dat seama cat de mult ma enerveaza persoanele care incearca sa placa. Si incearca prea tare. Isi pun o masca happy & funny si incearca sa-ti intre pe sub piele, sa le accepti, sa le introduci in anturajul tau. Un alt fel de minciuna, un alt fel de ipocrizie. Cand te prefaci esti un nimeni. Nici macar identitate nu ai; ce sa mai vorbim de personalitate. De ce crezi ca am nevoie de asemenea persoane in viata mea?
Nu vreau sa fii de acord cu tot ce zic eu, nu vreau sa adopti toate deciziile mele si nu vreau sa razi la toate glumele mele. Vreau o parere sincera, vreau sa stiu cand si cu ce gresesc, vreau sa sa-ti expui parerea ta si sa discutam in contradictoriu, vreau sa fii tu.
Cer prea mult?


Dependenta de tine? Niciodata!
Toata viata am trait independenta si n-am de gand sa ma schimb. Nu pot. Nu vreau. Nu am cerut nimanui niciodata sa depinda de mine si nici n-o voi face. Asa ca nimeni nu are dreptul sa-mi ceara sa-mi sacrific eu libertatea pentru capriciile altuia. Nu voi depinde de tine, de timpul tau, de voia ta, de firea ta. Nu ma leg cu sfori doar ca sa-ti fie tie bine. Nu pot, nu vreau. Altruismul are si el o limita.
Traiesc dupa niste principii solide, clar stabilite in mintea si in inima mea. Te anunt ca ele sunt de neclintit, ca si mine, ca si vointa mea. Nu fac nici un compromis. N-am sa accept ceva ce am negat si n-am sa incerc sa ma obisnuiesc cu ceva incomod doar pentru ca asa vrei tu. Supara-te. Dar n-ai sa ajungi tu sa ma schimbi pe mine. Nici azi, nici maine. Nu ocupi un loc atat de important in viata mea.
N-am nevoie de tine.


It's the simple minded people who win, because they have never experienced defeat, so they try and try until they succeed. They know not any other way. You cannot bring them down: they don't poses the phylosophy for such an emotion.
That is why they generally surpass the average man. They always do they best ... better than the rest.

Quollection 7

"Mereu auzeam in copilarie: ‘cand o sa fii mare o sa faci ce vrei tu!’ De facut pot, dar mi-au murit dorintele."
"One more bullet, for the road."
Schwepps commercial
"In constiinta sta toata morala unui om."
ReenHeart, dupa Dostoievski - Demonii
"Pentru cei care sufera de prea mult gand."
ReenHeart, dupa Dostoievski - Crima si Pedeapsa

vineri, 19 decembrie 2008

Quollection 6

vineri, 19 decembrie 2008
"Suntem doi oameni care s-au intalnit intr-un infinit ...
... pentru ultima oara in aceasta lume."
Dostoievski - Demonii
"Poti gasi cuvinte in tacere?"
"Departe, nimeni nu-l va sti mort."
"Iti voi da tot: casa, banii, tablourile si jurnalele mele.
Adica tot trecutul."
C. Petrescu - Ultima noapte de dragoste, intaia noapte de razboi
"Orice femeie care iubeste un barbat fuge de el, ca sa ramana in memoria lui ca o amintire frumoasa."
M. Eliade - Enigma Otiliei
"To see the world in a grain of sand
And heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour."
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence


"Totusi, intr-un coltisor al sufletului ei, chiar in mijlocul chinurilor celor mai crancene, mai simtea palpairea unei farame de nadejde care o indemna sa creada ca nu e totul pierdut. Grauntele de speranta care nu paraseste pe om pana nu-si da ultima suflare, care mai licareste in ochii muribundului chiar cand inima a incetat sa mai bata si cand trupul a inghetat pentru totdeauna - ii dadea si ei puterea sa mai astepte si sa staruiasca."
Dostoievski - Crima si Pedeapsa (personajul Sofia)

Quollection 5

"Ma bucur pentru toate lucrurile pe care le am si nu plang dupa singurul lucru care-mi lipseste."
"Dance like nobody's watching
Sing like nobody's listening
Love like you've never been hurt
Live like it's heaven on earth."
Mark Twain
"Being cool is all about attitude.
It's a state of mind: either you've got it or you don't."
"In mintea mea e un haos.
Numai haosul arunca la suprafata intrebari dureroase."
Liviu Rebreanu
"Try to break me - I'll watch you fail
You never knew me - I'm not that frail."


qToata viata am trait independenta si n-am de gand sa ma schimb. Nu pot. Nu vreau. Nu am cerut nimanui niciodata sa depinda de mine si nici n-o voi face. Asa ca nimeni nu are dreptul sa-mi ceara sa-mi sacrific eu libertatea pentru capriciile altuia. Nu voi depinde de tine, de timpul tau, de voia ta, de firea ta. Nu ma leg cu sfori doar ca sa-ti fie tie bine. Nu pot, nu vreau. Altruismul are si el o limita.
Traiesc dupa niste principii solide, clar stabilite in mintea si in inima mea. Te anunt ca ele sunt de neclintit, ca si mine, ca si vointa mea. Nu fac nici un compromis. N-am sa accept ceva ce am negat si n-am sa incerc sa ma obisnuiesc cu ceva incomod doar pentru ca asa vrei tu. Supara-te. Dar n-ai sa ajungi tu sa ma schimbi pe mine. Nici azi, nici maine. Nu ocupi un loc atat de important in viata mea.
N-am nevoie de tine.


Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no, it is an ever-fixèd mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wand'ring bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
W. Shakespeare - "Sonnet 116"


Some glory in their birth, some in their skill,
Some in their wealth, some in their body's force,
Some in their garments, though new-fangled ill,
Some in their hawks and hounds, some in their horse;
And every humor hath his adjunct pleasure,
Wherein it finds a joy above the rest.
But these particulars are not my measure;
All these I better in one general best.
Thy love is better than high birth to me,
Richer than wealth, prouder than garments' cost,
Of more delight than hawks or horses be;
And having thee, of all men's pride I boast;
Wretched in this alone, that thou mayst take
All this away, and me most wretched make.
W. Shakespeare - "Sonnet 91"

Quollection 4

"Traim intr-o lume cu circuit inchis."
"You don't know what it's like to win 'till you've experienced defeat."
"Cat de misto e sa mori glorios si sa simti ca lumea e a ta si te ubeste si te ajuta chiar si sa mori?"
"E un sentiment ciudat, aparte, sa fii cel mai mic om mare."
"Entuziasmul piere pe masura ce creste experienta."
un tip de la AdRevolution
"Traim intr-o lume cu circuit inchis."


"We all wanna die like movie stars" you said as you jumped from the height of our cutting room floor, while above us glowing, exploding, our dreams burst forth in life and death. Hold me and tell me "We'll burn like stars. We'll burn as we fall. Watch as city lights
Dance for us!"
A Fire Inside - "Kiss and Control"


My angels, your deamons.
Your tears, my smiles.
Say it, that you hate me
So I'll know that deep inside you
I still haunt your dreams.


All I want for you is
To burn the gods and kill the kings
Subjugate your sufferings
Burn the fear you have no more
For you're the sin of a dead world.
I fear you'll fear my wrathful cry
I burn the gods and kill the kings
Amplify the sufferings
Enjoy the pain. I hope within.
Cause you're the beauty of the sin

Quollection 3

"There is nothing only good or bad.
But thinking makes it so."
"Do you think I am afraid of that formidable mind of yours, Gandor? Don't question your conscience!"
"To forgive is divine."
"So many words left unspoken feeding the failure of our choices."
"Dissapointed faces of my fears...
Away from your nightmare and back into mine."
"And if you thought this was just a trick of the mind, prepare yourself for the truth!"


People don't want the truth... They seek a series of events that would ultimately explain and justify the consequences of their rash actions. Lack of courage, blinded ego...
People don't want help... They would, however, accept your words of kindness as long as your offer matches their mental vision of your moral decay. Replacing your help with a distorted form of slavery ...
People don't want love... Death will sufice. The ultimate escape.

Quollection 2

"Poti dori ceva asa de chinuitor si de tare incat implinindu-ti-se nu te mai bucuri. Te-a costat prea mult suflet!"
Lucian Blaga
"There is nothing more confusing than a man's true self, because no one will believe it..."
( "Nimic nu e mai derutant decat fata adevarata a unui om, pentru ca nimeni n-o va crede..." )
Dostoievskii - The Deamons
"There's a painfull difference between being told the truth
... and knowing it."
"What you feel right now could only be satisfied by falling yourself into her."
from the movie Equilibrium
"He who deals with evil becomes evil."


She heard him unveil another piece of furniture.
A clatter followed, of doors being opened and closed and shortly after, he could be seen climbing down the stairs with a pillow and a blanket in his arms.

Quollection 1

"Unanimitatea nu e o sursa de progress."
"Nu daca ci cum."
"Cea mai buna cale de a prezice viitorul e sa-l inventezi!"
"Ceea ce cred despre lume influenteaza lumea."
"Eminente cenusii versus platitudini si generalizari."
"Marile realizari sunt produsul exceptiei, nu al planificatiei."
Un tip din PR care a venit la liceu si ne-a vorbit despre cariere si viitor - stuff like that.